Saturday, April 19, 2008

Evening Training - finally getting warmer out

In an effort to add more practice time we are trying to meet at least 1 night at week - this week it was Thursday 4/17 from 6-8pm. With the weather finally warming up we are able to keep the garage open and use the extra space outside for jump rope and box jumps. Next week the plan is to have 2 workouts - one Tuesday night and the other Saturday morning. We are much smoother at running through the warmup, agility and defensive drills so we can now start adding in more dynamic one on one drill.

Thursday's workout:

Roll Call: Tony, Mike

Warmup: 2 3min rounds of jumprope - last 30sec doubles
2 rounds of – 10 pullups, 3 ring dips, hip stretch, 10 situps, 10 squats, 10 lumbar extensions

Footwork Agility: 2min/30sec
Single leg hops over line
Forward and back w/lead jab
Side to side w/lead jab

Defense Circuit 3min/1min
Maize ball
Slip Line
Top and Bottom bag
Heavy Bag - maintaining distance with a swinging bag (in/out, circle, etc.)

Glove Drills 3min/1min
Jab - catch - return low or high jab
Finisher: 5 rounds of-
30sec squat cleans w/20lb ball
30sec box jumps 20" box
30 sec rope undulations (look at if you are curious)
(post comments, suggestion or questions to "comments" below)

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