Yesterday I rested in anticipation of doing the Bootcamp this morning but since I never got a call from the trainer confirming the time I didn’t go.
I’m switching my workout format to a more organized one. For my resistance training I’m going to use the EDT format (Escalated Density Training) on Mon., Wed., Fri. along with boxing skill training on those days. Tues. and Thurs. will be my heavy boxing days (Sat. we’ll factor in later).
I’ve decided to use the EDT format because: 1.) I’ve never trained that way before, 2.) It looks like a good training format. My first 3 workouts with it will be 10 minute routines, then up to 15 minute routines for the next week. I’ll judge then whether to add a second PR Zone to each of those workouts.
For those of you unfamiliar with the EDT format I’ll give a super brief explanation:
Each workout consists, generally, of 2 PR Zones each is 15-20 minutes long and each consists of 2 exercises. The weight is generally your 10RM for that exercise. You begin by doing 5 reps of each of the 2 exercises followed by a short rest and repeat until time is up. The objective is to do as many repetitions of each exercise as possible in the time allotted (you need to keep a record so you know what to beat when you repeat the workout).
I did my first EDT workout this morning:
10min. PR Zone
- Cleans (75lb.): 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
- OH Press (65lb.): 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5
Weights were a bit light so need to increase Clean to 95lb. OH Press to 75lb. for next Friday (when I repeat this workout but with 15 minutes).
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