Friday, May 2, 2008

Thursday 5/1

This was our Thai day. The weather was great which meant the garage (gym) door was open and since people are now out walking we get more people stopping to stare and wonder what we are doing - if you happen to be one of them your welcome to stop in.

Roll Call: Tony, Mike

2x3min/1min Jump rope (last 30sec doubles)
2 Rounds: 10 pull ups, 3 ring dips, 10 squats, hip stretch, 10 situps, 10 back extensions

Agility/Footwork 2min/30sec
Hop back and forward (Thai evasion defense)
Forward and back using Thai leg block/cover every few steps
Side to side (lateral footwork) with punch

Defense Circuit 3min/1min (1 circuit)
Heavy Bag - with swinging bag maintain distance while moving in, out and circling
Maize ball - slips with punching
Slip Line
I know that there are many of you who wonder how these drills are done and I thought I'd attach a few videos that show the basics:
An example of Maize Ball work

The Slip Line

Shadow Boxing 3min/1min (2 rounds)
Lead and rear thai kick with full spin

Heavy Bag
2 rounds of (1 round each leg):
30sec single round kick
1 min double round kick
30sec single round kick

Defense drill 3min/1min (2 rounds)
Rear thai to lead thigh - leg block - return lead thai to thigh (shin guards used)

Med Ball Drills
around body pass with partner (back to back), straight throws and twist throw with partner

25 Burpees

We did have an injury today -during the defense circuit Tony pulled a groin muscle and I had him sit out the workout and ice it (better to lose one day of practice than a week or more because you want to "push through an injury)

Our next practice is Sunday at 11am.

Post any questions or comments to "comments" below.

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