Friday, December 12, 2008

Diet and new videos

One week into Precision Nutrition . So far I feel great. It has been an adjustment; I am more accustomed to a lower carbohydrate diet with more fat (generally ketogenic levels). In addition, I’m more accustomed to fewer meals (usually 4 plus some low carb snacks), as well as a lot less vegetables and fruits (which everyone needs to eat more of). Currently I am eating 5-6 meals a day with a serving of vegetables or fruit with every meal and focusing on whole food (minimally processed). I don’t like very many vegetables so I’ve kept it to broccoli, cauliflower and spinach (trying to stay away from starchy veggies). My first day or two was a little tough since the volume of food was a bit to high for me – I’ve lowered my meal sizes to make it a bit easier (now I don’t feel so full all the time).

Some things I have learned – get your first meal early (don’t put it off, at the very least you’ll be over hungry later and be tempted to snack on bad stuff), keep up prepping food (cook enough brown rice, quinoa, chicken breasts, etc), keep fresh fruit around (just in case you feel the need to snack – better to eat real food than crackers, processed food, etc).

My weight is stable, currently between 160-165. Weight loss is not a goal for me, fat loss, muscle/strength gain and better energy are my goals, so the scale doesn’t tell me that much.

So far Precision Nutrition seems to be a great fighters diet, plenty of complete protein to sustain your muscle, and lots of micronutrients from whole food. I am still using supplements – 3 a day multivitamin, vitamin C, magnesium, vitamin D (it is cold and flu season and sun exposure is minimal) as well as plenty of fish oil.

My current supplemental workouts are focused on Rippetoe and Kilgore’s Starting Strength routine because my limit strength is low right now (and I miss focusing on the basic barbell exercises). I am taking a short break from the Crossfit WOD (Workout of the Day) to work on my strength base before going back to the WOD’s.

I am working on a 4 part video series, to be posted on this blog, on using the Heavy Bag as a Training Partner – in other words using it to develop your offense and defensive skills. Pounding away on the bag is a great workout but for fight training you need more than that – you need to train with the bag like it’s a live opponent and not just hit it mindlessly. Most people just use the heavy bag to punch away thinking it’s just a conditioning tool but it can be used for so much more. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Open Training - Boxing

We had our first true open workout, scheduled in advance on the blog. While I know there is interest in the area for training, it was a no show night. As a result I did a solo workout. Finally got the speed bag set back up, in a new spot, so I used that.

Roll Call: Just me tonight.

2x3min jump-rope (last 30sec double unders) – finally able to get 14 consecutive double unders
2 rounds – 5 rope pull-ups, 3 ring dips, hip stretch, 10 GHD sit-ups, 10 back extensions

Defense Circuit 3min/1min (2 rounds)
Speed Bag – hand wraps only
Shadow boxing – with gloves

Grip Work – 54lb. kettlebell pulls with IronWoody Band (performed underhand with the band looped through the kettlebell while standing on a 22” box – grip the band, keep changing hands until the bell reaches hands and reverse going down – 3 sets).
Video below (from Zach Esh).

Unable to use the heavy bag tonight, I broke the attachment off the ceiling over the weekend during another workout (the other bag I’ve been using for groundwork and throws). Both bags will be back up by Wednesday night and ready for Thursday practice.

Thursday we’ll be focusing on Muay Thai work 6-7:30, again all are welcome. Please email or call ahead if you’re going to attend so I that I can prepare enough space to accommodate you.

New videos will be up shortly on using the heavy bag as a live opponent.

(Please post comments, suggestions or questions to "Comments" below)